XiMpLe: a simple XML parser for R
XiMpLe is an R1 package to read, manipulate and write XML files (see feature list for its current status). it is intended to be used as a very simple, lightweight alternative to the existing XML package2 if you don't need as much features.
the most recent stable release should be available via CRAN3. the most recent develpment version of XiMpLe can be installed from my own package repository https://reaktanz.de/R
, e.g. directly from an R session:
install.packages("XiMpLe", repo=c(getOption("repos"), reaktanz="https://reaktanz.de/R"))
there's also a debian/ubuntu package (needs recent R packages from CRAN as a dependecy).
- download: XiMpLe_0.11-1.tar.gz (03.03.2023, 103,2 kb)
- source code: https://github.com/rkward-community/XiMpLe
- debian/ubuntu package (depends on recent R packages from CRAN)
- NEWS/ChangeLog
- license: GPL >= 34
- documentation: XiMpLe.pdf
- vignette: The XiMpLe Package
- read and parse XML files into R objects
- access individual nodes from the XML object
- manipulate individual nodes of the XML object
- get and set content of nodes (e.g., node name or attributes)
- write back XML files from R objects
citation information
in case you need to cite XiMpLe for reference, consider the CITATION file.
work in progress
XiMpLe is considered fit for productive use, as long as parsed documents are wellformatted and not too huge. see the ChangeLog for recent development. as of now, it is used as a dependency of several other packages i maintain, e.g., do generate the HTML pages and RSS feeds in roxyPackage. feel free to try it and see if you run into problems. any feedback is most welcome!
a token of gratitude
if you appreciate my work an want to say "thanks", please check my wantlist on discogs5 (just have records sent to the address you find in the imprint/impressum). you're awesome!